Sunday, 7 May 2017

Anime characters from TV

Anime characters from TV and manga are now widely embraced by everybody, especially youth

Anime characters from TV and manga are now widely embraced by everybody, especially youth. They are cute and always resemble perfection. It has always been the subject to some people who enjoy making caricatures. The typical drawing of anime characters was by hand but because of the outburst of technology, the technique that is now used for this purpose is computers and animation software. But first of all, you should have the art of fine drawing, along with the appropriate tools and supplies. The basic essentials that you would need are a lead pencil, color pencils, and an eraser.

Here are how to draw five different anime characters.

1. Kiss Anime Girl - Draw an intersecting horizontal and vertical line (form a cross). Then draw a pentagon shape around the cross. The size of the pentagon you are making reflects how large the face of the girl is. Draw the character's hairline by drawing a horizontal line at the topmost point of the pentagon. This line should be the width of the face. Outline the girl's eyes by adding two ovals on either side of your vertical line. Make the ovals evenly spaced. Add a smaller oval inside each oval to create an iris. Add eyelashes to the girl's eyes by tracing a horizontal line above each oval and filling it dark. Draw the chin just above the pentagon with a horizontal line. Draw the girl's neckline by placing two vertical lines on either side of the chin just below the pentagon frame. Add eyebrows and eyelids to your character's eyes by drawing an arched line the same width as the eye just above the eyelash line. Add another just above this to denote the eyebrow. The arch of each line should mirror the oval shape of the eye, so the wider the eye, the wider the eyebrow and eyelid will be. Fill in the eyes with glares and pupils. Place the nose by drawing an S shape just below the intersection of the cross. Then draw a small slit below it for the mouth. Add hair both above and slightly below the hairline you drew earlier. Finish the face by placing ears on either side of the head that land just below the bottom of the eyes.

2. Anime Boy - Draw a simple circle, round circle. Add a half-octagon shape to the bottom of your circle. Erase the bottom of your circles until its edges meets the boundaries of the half- octagon. Draw a horizontal and vertical line across the center of the face. Place large, open circles for eyes across the top half of your horizontal line, with eyebrows placed evenly above each eye. Place those by putting a dot just below the center of the cross. Add two lines on either side of the chin to create a neck. Add in hair into the boy's look.

3. Chibi- Draw one big circle, usually perfect circle. Then draw two circles inside for the eyes, usually chibi eyes are big. You may or may not draw a nose, below the eyes. Add the mouth with a simple straight line and slightly curved line below it connected. Add the hair. Then draw the body. Chibi bodies are chubby, very small compared to the head and so are the arms and legs too. Lastly, add shadows and fine lines.

4. Anime Animal - Start with a big circle for the head and then add the facial guidelines. Draw the shape of the floppy ears as well as the shape of the face. Draw two circles for his eyes. Leave three shapes in each eye white to make eyes look gazing. Then draw a nose and some hair on top of his cute head. Finish drawing out the ears by adding tips and the front and hind legs. Draw him a jowl line and eyebrows. Finish drawing out the face's shape and sketch the hind paws. Add a curled up tail and toe lines in his front paws.

5. Anime Eyes - Draw two sideways almost curved lines. These will be the upper and lower lids. Add two colored-in triangles for eyelashes on the upper and lower lid. Give a lid fold. By drawing a large oval in the eye, and add a line above the upper lid. Draw another circle inside that circle for the pupil. Incorporate a large thick line for the eyebrow. website Anime